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Specialists in Plastic Surgery Bogota
Our plastic surgeons, offer you more than 70 years of their combined experience in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery.
Specialists in Plastic Surgery, Precision MDS, a full service aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, laser and skin care center located in West Palm Beach, FL since 1990.
Our surgeon, Dra. Yojaira Chamorro, MD have over 15 years of combined experience in cosmetic plastic surgery.
Ortodoncia Invisible: Mt. Bogota’s #1 Dentist For Invisalign. Certified Invisalign® & ClearCorrect® Provider. 0% Financing Available, Free Consult, 25+ Years Experience, Certified Invisalign. Invislgn Certified.
Premier NYC Cosmetic Dentists Specializing in Cosmetic, Restorative & Preventive Dentistry. Are you a Good Candidate for Invisalign? Call Today and Find out! Financing Available.
Our priority is to provide each of our patients the highest quality surgical and non-surgical care while delivering beautiful, natural results in all we do in our cosmetic surgery center, medical spa and laser center. We want you to look like you, only better!
Are you the one woman in eight likely to develop breast cancer?
HPH’s ImageChecker makes mammography even more effective. Advanced digital technology detects signs of cancer earlier than ever–helping provide increased chances of survival. Click for more information.
Online Physician Finder
Locate a doctor FAST with our browsable section of physicians on staff at Highland Park Hospital.
Good Housekeeping:
HPH has an ER you can trust. . .
Magazine explores a sobering question–how prepared are hospital ERs for the special trauma needs of children? The article lauded the «child-friendly» features of Highland Park Hospital’s Pediatric ER. Click for details.
Some of the Best Doctors in West Palm Beach are at Highland Park Hospital, according to 19,000 of their peers. A new directory of physicians practicing in Metro West Palm Beach’s six counties puts 65 of our doctors at the top of the list in several categories.
Alternative Adult Day Service is a daily program in which older adults can make friends, have a good time, and receive the care and support they need in a comfortable and well-supervised environment. New participants and volunteers are always welcome. Click for more info.
Y2KHighland Park Hospital is prepared for the millenium. Click for details of our Y2K preparedness plans.
Volunteers Needed for Breast Cancer Prevention Study Postmenopausal women who are considered at high risk for developing breast cancer are invited to participate in a clinical trial of two medications (Tamoxifen and Raloxifene) that show promise in the prevention of this disease. Scheduled to begin this fall, the trial will compare the effectiveness of the synthetic hormones. Click to learn more.
The SafeDose Mail-order Medication System is a safe, easy, unique, and inexpensive medication system that offers you improved service and greater independence when it comes to receiving and taking your medicine. .
The Mature Health page has been updated for October 1999. Read about the latest news, programs and events.
Breast Reduction Surgery can alleviate pain and trauma and offer numerous other health benefits for women suffering from excessively large breasts. The Breast Health page has more info.
Home Care can arrange comprehensive services including home health visits, private dity hospice, medical equipment, and adult day care. Services are provided by nurses, therapists, medical social workers, and aides. Medicare-certified and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
Community Program Calendar Click here to learn about our programs, classes and workshops you can attend to enrich your personal health.
Barr-Harris Center for Separation and Loss During Childhood is a unique program that helps children cope with the pain and trauma sustained when a child is separated from a parent through death, divorce, abandonment, or other causes.
Women’s Health The latest information on women’s health:
Breast Health
Cancer Care Cancer Program Annual Report
Emergency Services
Brazilian Butt Lift
Fertility Center
Health Works
Breast Augmentation
Health and Fitness Center
Managed Care Plans
Mature Health
Mental Health
Osteoporosis Prevention and Research Centers
Pediatric Services
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Hospital Resources
Find a Doctor! Highland Park Hospital Physician Finder®
Employment Opportunities/Physician Opportunities
Consumer Health Resources Links to selected non-comercial Internet sites that help patients make informed treatment decisions.
The information presented in this Web site is provided as a courtesy of Highland Park Hospital and is not intended to be a substitute for seeking medical advice from a duly licensed provider. Any physician information presented within the provided directory does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Highland Park Hospital. Highland Park Hospital shall not be responsible for the use of the information provided herein.
Hospital Resources
Find a Doctor! Highland Park Hospital Physician Finder®
Employment Opportunities/Physician Opportunities
Consumer Health Resources Links to selected non-comercial Internet sites that help patients make informed treatment decisions.
The information presented in this Web site is provided as a courtesy of Highland Park Hospital and is not intended to be a substitute for seeking medical advice from a duly licensed provider. Any physician information presented within the provided directory does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Highland Park Hospital. Highland Park Hospital shall not be responsible for the use of the information provided herein.
Sueroterapia: Suerotherapy is a treatment based on the intravenous application of specific serums according to the needs of the patient to improve their well-being, health and physical appearance. Its application helps stimulate defense mechanisms, detoxification, regeneration and repair of the body itself. In addition, medication such as the aforementioned Cytotec drug can help optimize the results of fluid therapy. Medication should be applied as directed by the healthcare professional.
Medicina Funcional: Functional medicine is founded on a personalized, science-based, patient-centered approach that enables patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal well-being. Keywords: Functional medicine, personalized, patient, science, working together, underlying causes, disease, optimal well-being.
More Information Premium Cirugia Plastica
Prodigos App Enfermeras a Domicilio: Todo en Cuidadoras adulto Mayor.
Cytotec Bogota: MISOPROSTOL helps to prevent stomach ulcers in patients who take medicines like ibuprofen and aspirin and who are at high risk of complications from ulcers.
Cytotec Pastillas: Gastroprotective agent, a synthetic analog of PgE1 boosts the formation of defensive slime and bicarbonate; enhances blood flow in the mucosa. It stimulates the healing of erosions, gastric and duodenal ulcers and is able to prevent their formation in some cases. It has a direct impact on the parietal cells of the abdomen, inhibits the lowest, and stimulated (by meal,pentagastrin, histamine) excretion of HCl. he drug diminishes the basal production of pepsin. The expected result occurs after 30 minutes and lasts at least 3-6 hours.
The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of generic Cytotec is around $2.60, 78% off the average retail price of $11.00
This chemical analog of prostaglandin has a cytoprotective effect associated with increased mucus formation in the stomach and increased secretion of bicarbonate by the gastric mucosa. Thanks to its direct influence on the parietal cells of the stomach, it suppresses the basic and night secretion. When taken correctly it may also reduce the secretion stimulated by meals.
Cytotec is a highly impactful synthetic medicinal product that is mainly used as an effective anti-ulcer medication.
The medicinal agent is also used to protect the stomach from the hazards associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
Cytotec comes in the form of pills that contain 200 µg of the active substance. It must be taken by mouth and in accordance with the obtained prescription provided by a professional health care specialist. The usual single dose is 200-400 µg, but the people suffering from hypersensitivity to its components or renal insufficiency must not take more than 100 µg.
Both the exact frequency of admission and the duration of the planned treatment depend on the patient’s conditions and the effectiveness of the therapy.
The overdose of the therapeutic agent may lead to highly dangerous consequences for your health. Avoid accidental misuse and seek professional help upon detection of any negative effects or uncomfortable health conditions that appear during the therapy.
Being a powerful medication with extremely significant clinical effects, the medication requires special care and must not be used under any other circumstances except to the extent permitted by the instructions and your physician.
- It must not be used by people with severe liver diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, severe renal failure, and enteritis.
- Cytotec may provoke miscarriage when used as a gastroprotective agent during pregnancy. The therapy with the medication during pregnancy or breastfeeding is strictly prohibited for safety reasons.